Traditional and novel approaches to define languages and establish their properties, including various grammars and automata. New computational paradigms, including interval-valued and DNA computing.
PhD Thesis
- Madeeha Fatima: Transduced-Input Finite Automata with Translucent Letters, EMU, January
- László Hegedüs: Unconventional Models in the Theory of Formal Languages and Automata,
University of Debrecen, Hungary, February, 2017
MS Thesis
- MohammadReza Saadat: Cellular Automata in the Triangular Grid, EMU, January 2016 .
- Awe Ayodeji Samson: 2 Head Pushdown Automata, EMU, January 2015.
- There were various bilateral projects with, e.g., Kyoto, Japan and Kassel, Germany
- Géza Horváth, Benedek Nagy: Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Typotex, Budapest,
Hungary, 2014.
- Tamás Herendi, Benedek Nagy: Parallel Approach of Algorithms, Typotex, Budapest, Hungary
Edited issues
- Henning Bordihn, Benedek Nagy, György Vaszil: RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications
(RAIRO: ITA), Volume 52/No 2-3-4 (April–December 2018): Special Issue: NON-CLASSICAL
- Jérôme Durand-Lose, Jarkko Kari, Benedek Nagy: Fundamenta Informaticae - Volume 155, issue
1-2 Special Issue on Machines, Computations and Universality (MCU 2015) .
- Henning Bordihn, Rudolf Freund, Benedek Nagy, György Vaszil: Eighth Workshop on NonClassical Model of Automata and Applications, NCMA 2016, August 29th-30th, Debrecen,
Hungary,, Austrian Computer Society, BAND 321 (2016).
- Jérôme Durand-Lose, Benedek Nagy: Machines, Computations and Universality, MCU 2015, LNCS
9288, Springer.
- Benedek Nagy: On The Membership Problem of Permutation Grammars - A direct Proof of NPcompleteness, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, accepted for
- Benedek Nagy, Shaghayegh Parchami: On deterministic sensing 5' → 3' Watson–Crick finite
automata: a full hierarchy in 2detLIN, Acta Informatica, accepted for publication.
- Madeeha Fatima, Benedek Nagy: Transduced-Input Automata with Translucent Letters, Comptes
rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences 73/1, (2020), 33-39.
- Mani Mehraei, Benedek Nagy, Nimet Ilke Akcay, Sükrü Tüzmen: Potential Therapeutic Modalities
of Reawakening Fetal Hemoglobin Simulated by Reaction Systems, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica
16/3 (2019), 19-35.
- MohammadReza Saadat, Benedek Nagy: Cellular Automata Approach to Mathematical
Morphology in the Triangular Grid, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Journal of Applied Sciences)
15/6 (2018), 45-62.
- Dávid Angyal, Benedek Nagy, György Vaszil: On the Complexity of a Mildly Context-Sensitive
Language Class, Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 23/1-3 (2018), 5-18.
- Benedek Nagy, Sándor Vályi: A Shift-free Characterization of NP within Interval-valued
Computing. Fundam. Inform. 155 (2017), 187-207.
- László Hegedüs, Benedek Nagy: On periodic properties of circular words, Discrete Mathematics
339/3 (2016), 1189-1197.
- Benedek Nagy, László Kovács: Finite Automata with Translucent Letters applied in Natural and
Formal Language Theory, LNCS Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence 17, LNCSTCCI XVII, LNCS 8790 (Springer), (2014), 107-127.
Invited conference talk and paper
- Benedek Nagy: Union-Freeness, Deterministic Union-Freeness and Union-Complexity (invited
paper), M. Hospodár et al. (Eds.): DCFS 2019: Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 11612 (2019), 46-56.
Conference presentations
- Madeeha Fatima, Benedek Nagy: On the Combination of Finite State Transducers and Finite
Automata with Translucent Letter, IS2019-MATCOS 2019: Proceedings of the 22nd International
Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY, Volume I: Middle-European Conference on Applied
Theoretical Computer Science, Koper, Slovenia (2019), 27-30.
- Benedek Nagy, Zita Kovács: On simple 5'→3' sensing Watson-Crick finite-state transducers,
NCMA 2019: Eleventh Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications,
Valencia, Spain, 155-170.
- Benedek Nagy, Friedrich Otto: Two-Head Finite-State Acceptors with Translucent Letters,
SOFSEM 2019: 45th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of
Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 11376 (2019), 406-418.
- Radim Kocman, Benedek Nagy, Zbynek Krivka, Alexander Meduna: A jumping 5' → 3' WatsonCrick finite automata model, NCMA 2018: Tenth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata
and Applications, Kosice, Slovakia, 117-132.
- Benedek Nagy, Sándor Vályi: An Extension of Interval-Valued Computing Equivalent to RedGreen Turing Machines, MCU 2018: 8th International Conference on Machines, Computations,
and Universality, LNCS 10881 (2018), 137-152.
- Shaghayegh Parchami, Benedek Nagy: Deterministic Sensing 5' → 3' Watson-Crick Automata
Without Sensing Parameter, UCNC 2018: 17th International Conference on Unconventional
Computation and Natural Computation, LNCS 10867 (2018), 173-187.
- Benedek Nagy, Shaghayegh Parchami, Hamid Mir-Mohammad-Sadeghi: A New Sensing 5'->3'
Watson-Crick Automata Concept, AFL 2017: Proceedings 15th International Conference on
Automata and Formal Languages, EPTCS 252 (2017), 195-204.
- Dávid Angyal, Benedek Nagy: An extension of the LR parsing algorithm for two-head pushdown
automata, NCMA 2017: Ninth Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications,
Prague, 71-86.
- Dávid Angyal, Benedek Nagy: On Linear Grammars with Exact Control, MATCOS-2016: MiddleEuropean Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science (held in conjunction with the
19th Multi-Conference on Information Society, Ljubljana), Koper, Slovenia, October 2016, 95-98.
- Gergely T. Bálint, Benedek Nagy: Finiteness of Chain-code Picture Languages on the Triangular
Grid, ISPA 2015: 9th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis,
Zagreb, Croatia, 310-315. (IEEE).
- Benedek Nagy, Sándor Vályi: A Characterization of NP within Interval-Valued Computing, MCU
2015: 7th Conference on Machines, Computations and Universality, LNCS 9288 (2015), 164-179.